10 Essential Roles for a Successful Digital Marketing Agency

5 min readNov 23, 2022

The advent of digital marketing has exploded the types of marketing roles in marketing teams. From digital advertising and social media to content creation and search engine optimization (SEO), marketing is a collection of well-integrated roles that work together to grow your business.

All marketing positions, no matter how broad, are focused on creating, communicating and selling value propositions to consumers. Marketers can do this by creating compelling content, ads, or social media posts. Or, speak directly to sales prospects.

If you’re looking to work with a digital marketing agency and want to know what marketing role you’re taking on, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve categorized standard marketing titles found in agencies.

  1. Content strategist
  2. Video production specialist
  3. Graphic designer
  4. Copywriter
  5. SEO specialist
  6. PPC specialist
  7. Social media strategist
  8. Social media manager
  9. Web designer
  10. Marketing analyst

Learn what each of these marketing roles does and what you can expect from working with a full-service digital marketing agency like Xekera Systems!

10 Marketing Roles You Can Find in a Digital Marketing Agency

Choosing the right digital marketing agency for your business is a complicated decision.

However, it is helpful to understand the types of roles in digital marketing. Understanding various marketing titles and their meanings can help you make the most strategic choices according to your company’s marketing goals.

To help you start your research, here are 10 marketing roles you might find while working with a digital marketing agency.

1. Content Strategist

Web content is a priority in many digital marketing strategies. A content strategist’s job is to develop a content strategy for creating the right content and strategically publishing it.

Content strategists create plans that copywriters and other content specialists must execute. Many content strategists use their expertise to plan content for SEO, increase site visibility, and develop multi-channel content strategies.

2. Video Production Specialist

Video marketing is essential to many digital strategies because it captures the attention of your audience and keeps them engaged with your content.
As a result, many digital content teams include video production specialists in addition to more traditional copy-oriented roles.

Video Production Specialists are responsible for creating video content for your company’s digital strategy. They are experts in shooting and editing video content that captivates and keeps viewers watching. Video production specialists can also schedule, upload, and prepare videos for sharing.

3. Graphic Designer

Take a look at your digital marketing channel and mentally think about how many visual elements there are. You may use branded visuals on your website, social media, emails, banner ads, display ads, etc.

Graphic designers create these images and more to grab the viewer’s attention. You can also create compelling call-to-action (CTA) graphics to help convert your website visitors.

Sites may have shareable graphics, infographics, and other elements scattered throughout their content.

Who can help? You guessed it, a graphic designer.

4. Copywriter

Another important role in the content marketing team is the copywriter. A video production specialist and graphic designer creates multimedia content to share on her web, while a copywriter creates written content.

A copywriter may write blog posts or website content for your business or write advertising copy
For example, you may place paid search ads and want engaging text in your campaign. A copywriter is in charge of writing.

5. SEO Specialists

SEO, the process of optimizing your website to appear higher in search results, has many moving parts. SEO specialists are experts in all aspects of SEO and can develop in-depth strategies to help your website rank higher.

Here are some tasks they can undertake to achieve this goal:

  • Optimize technical elements of website
  • Audit and optimize website title tag, meta description, multimedia and internal links
  • Create backlink building strategy
  • Oversee SEO content strategy

SEO specialists can work closely with content team members, such as content strategists and copywriters, because their roles are related to each other.

6. PPC Specialist

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is another way to increase her website’s visibility in search engines. When you join PPC, you pay to have your website appear in paid search results for relevant keywords.

Successful PPC campaigns require well-crafted ads, strong keyword targeting strategies, strong account settings, and effective bidding strategies. And to get the best results, you should keep tweaking these elements throughout your campaign.

PPC specialists handle these tasks and help businesses achieve high return on investment (ROI) from paid search campaigns.

7. Social Media Strategist

Social media is one of the best places for brands to have a two-way conversation online with their audience, but success on social media requires a skilled hand is.

Social Media Strategists understand brands and social platforms to create effective strategies to grow accounts.
As the title suggests, social media strategists plan the most strategic ways for brands to engage and engage with their followers. We help you choose the best platform for your business and create an overall social media plan for your business.

8. Social Media Manager

While the Social Media Strategist creates the overall plan for the social media approach, the Social Media Manager executes it.

  • Creating Social Media Content, Including Images and Captions
  • Continually Posting to Accounts
  • Responding to Comments, Mentions, and Messages
  • Engaging with Social Media Communities

Social Media Managers are practitioners. He is a member of the team responsible for the day-to-day operations of social media marketing strategies.

9. Web Designers

Websites form the backbone of many digital marketing strategies, and their design impacts their performance. As a result, web designers play an important role in any digital marketing team.

A web designer will ensure that your website is:

  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • In line with your brand
  • User friendly
  • Optimized for conversion
  • Accessible
  • SEO friendly

These aspects are essential for a high-performing website that complements and builds on your digital marketing strategies.

10. Marketing Analyst

A successful digital marketing strategy requires a strong database. Marketing analysts research target audiences, industries, and the competitive landscape to ensure digital marketing teams have the information they need to develop competitive strategies.

We also analyze the performance of marketing campaigns to understand what is working and find areas for improvement.

Partner with Xekera Systems for a one-stop team for all your digital marketing roles.

As suggested by these 10 marketing roles, digital marketing is a vast field with many experts specializing in various fields.

Ready to take advantage of the best of both worlds: the expertise of a world-class, full-service agency with a client-centric atmosphere? Call us at (408) 982–5851 or speak to a strategist online .

